Nathan Ware LIVE @ 9:30 PM

nathan wareCountry music singer/songwriter, Nathan Ware, was born in Alpharetta, GA 1986. His mom and dad separated when he was 1 year old, and he spent most of his childhood going back and forth between his parents’ homes. His inspiration came from his family’s southern gospel group called The Ware Boys. Through studying vocal dynamics and guitars, Ware developed a musical dream of his own. His interests as a country music singer began at the age of 14, when he received his first guitar. Ware spent most of his high school years playing in talent shows and performing at the local coffee shop, The Serene Bean. It wasn’t long until he began to mirror his true-life struggles into his own songs. His pursuit of being a full-time singer/songwriter launched following his high school graduation in 2005. After a few recording deals fell through, Ware began to give up on his dream. A couple years later he was introduced to Sugarland’s band leader, Scott Patton as well as pro-recording engineer, Bruce Bennett who both took on an interest in Ware’s talents. In 2009, Ware, under the encouragement and direction from Patton and Bennett recorded a three song demo CD. – M. Grodi